About Fertility

One in six Kenyan couples experiences difficulty conceiving. A good first step is to understand your fertility and the factors that impact your ability to conceive.

Being in optimal health will improve the chance of having a healthy baby but this is only one factor that affects fertility. Learning when your most fertile days are in the month is also very important. By having sex at the right time, you can reduce the time taken to achieve a pregnancy naturally.

Four out of five couples are pregnant after six months of trying so if you have been trying to conceive for longer than this, or you are worried, then we recommend you see a  Nairobi IVF Centre specialist. Because female age is an important factor in determining the chance of pregnancy, if you are over 36 years of age, we recommend you see a Nairobi IVF fertility specialist to discuss your options.

Planning a Pregnancy

Tips on how to improve your chances of falling pregnant, including pre-pregnancy health, and understanding your ovulation cycle.

Female Fertility Conditions

Fertility problems in women may be caused by a number of factors including PCOS, blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, endometriosis, fibroids and the effects of advancing maternal age.

Male Fertility Conditions

Male fertility problems account for about 40% of all cases of infertility. Find out how the male reproductive system works, and the impact of low sperm motility. Hand photo created by wayhomestudio - www.freepik.com

Fertility Insights Programme

Our Fertility Insights Program helps you understand the factors affecting your fertility, and guide you to understanding the path to pregnancy in six simple to follow steps.

Fertility Myths

Many coupes think they will immediately get pregnant when they start trying for a baby. There are many myths and facts about fertility.

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