Success Rates

Success Rates at The Nairobi IVF Center

Our ultimate goal is to improve success rates for out patients. We work with leading scientific minds continuously to adapt new innovations that enable us to work at the highest international standards in reproductive technology, driving our success.

Artificial Intelligence

Our Artificial Intelligence technology enables selection of the best embryo for transfer.


Innovative time-lapse technology used to carefully monitory and analyse the development of embryos.


Analysis of the female's eggs and processing them for IVF procedures.

Electronic ID Tracking

We use an electronic ID system which allocates the patients identity to every sample and digitally tracks and witnesses every vessel improving traceability.


Analysis of sperm for fertility and preparation for IVF and ICSI


The use of Next Generation Sequencing to analyse Embryo's for Genetic Disorders called Aneuploidies which may cause a failed pregnancy. Enabling selection of only the best embryos for implantation.


Testing of hormones to determine appropriate methods to fertility.

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